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Anti-Bribery Measure: ISO 37001

Staff Member 01

Dr. Loi visited my office today to give a talk to my staff and interns on anti-bribery measures under ISO 37001. My office started a policy discussion on corruption earlier in the week and we hope to produce a short paper on the matter in the next few weeks. So Dr. Loi’s visit today adds a valuable dimension to our policy study. It was an eye opener to see real procedures and organisational processes that can help prevent and tackle bribery and corruption.

Politics is so messy right now that I too, like most Malaysians, am disheartened by things that are beyond my control. Yet, I am not throwing in the towel. I will continue to fight by doing positive things that are within my control. As such, after coming back from the mountains of Nepal (where I had time to rethink on next steps), my office has decided to refocus on what really matters; less politicking and more core policies.

I am now into my 4th year as an MP and with the future being uncertain, I want to refocus the remaining time of my term on my love of policy making. I also realise that investing more time and attention on my interns and staff is probably the single most valuable contribution I can make for the nation. I have now close to 40 past and present interns. All are fired up and ready to serve this nation and if 10% succeed to be MPs one day with a foundation in policy making, my work in this term would have real meaning.

What I trying to say in this posting is this. We, the people must awake from being too dependent on politicians for solutions. We must not give up just because some of our political leaders have failed us. We must continue to take positive actions that are within our control. I have been helping out YBRafizi Ramli to develop a volunteer based platform in the last two weeks. When ready, I will need you all to join as volunteers or donors.

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