21 October 2019
Good morning from Parliament. Today is a super relaxed day for me. Attendance this morning at 10 am was 41, so we do have a quorum. I have no questions in Parliament slated for today, and no speech/debate slot for at least one week. The budget speeches from other MPs will continue throughout the week.
I will be taking this week to do policy work and my officers and interns are in the middle of dissecting the budget of 10 ministries, for me to debate in the coming weeks.
On another note this morning, there was a question on Lynas. The deputy minister of environment has finally confirmed that the condisoil (so called Lynas recon waste “fertiliser”) has “no commercial takers” . Pretty obvious that if you can’t ship the radioactive waste back to Australia, mixing it with other soil and selling it as a festiliser is gonna be a hard sell. Nobody is stupid enough to use this fertiliser to grow food for human consumption! This Lynas fight is far from over.
Lastly, I had only one event yesterday, a football event in Subang Jaya. This is a friendly football league for low cost flats and government agencies. I really enjoyed the event. I used to be a decent football player, playing competitively but now both my ankles are busted. The rest of the day was spent on family time, we had an early birthday party for my daughter (and her school friends).