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Buckle Up: It’s Friday!

Staff Member 01

What a busy Friday! I had four events/appointments today starting at 8.30am. I was at the Lung Cancer awareness event at SJMC, at the invitation of Dr. Anand. Dr Anand and I have a common friend, Dr. Balaji, my high school friend.

Then I gave a speech in Taylors College for a model UN event. Students from around the world are gathered here for 3 days of debates. I gave a speech on the challenges facing the next generation. After that, I went to have lunch with my wife, Clare Rewcastle Brown, and Nadirah, my former officer. Clare and my wife are mates and she is in town for a few days.

After that I went to the Poram (Palm Oil Refiners Association of Malaysia) forum, where I delivered a 40 min speech on the economy and the US China trade war. I worked on both the model UN and Poram speeches since Monday and with final edits completed at 2 am last night. I will post the speeches up later tonight. But will most likely go to bed early tonight. Am looking forward to spend some time with my kids, maybe pizza and a movie.

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