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Staff Member 01

The visit to the school turned out to be a big media event as many ministers, led by the Kak Wan, arrived to show a united front against the politicisation of racial and religious issues.

I met the Pengetua, Puan Rohani and had a few words with her. Most of the decorations are still up, the two arches and main CNY plaque were unchanged and intact. There are still ample lanterns and other decorations around the school, contrary to public perception. Maybe some of the decorations were recently put back up? However judging from previous posted pictures, lanterns that were strung across the assembly area appears to have been taken down.

The VIPs were asked to sign on a “unity” lantern, this was followed by a short press conference. Kak Wan took most of the questions, and she emphasised the need to respect and celebrate cultural diversity in Malaysia.

According to Teo Nie Ching, the deputy education minister, the police had initially advised the Pengetua to take down the decorations. However later the police changed their mind after further investigations. To the question whether Putra will be questioned, the reply was, “up to the police”.

Other than the media event, it was good to see my ADUN, YB Ng Sze Han, who was equally surprised by the number of ministers visiting the school. I shared a new year joke with Kak Wan. Caught up with Gobind on Puchong news (the school was in his area, and is now under me) and got an appointment for my International Relations and Trade Committee to do a courtesy call on MoFA, from minister Saifuddin Abdullah himself

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