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Staff Member 01

Committee on International Relations and Trade

December 5, 2019

A bit of news.

I have been selected to be the chairman of a new Parliament committee; the Committee on International Relations and Trade. As such, I will be leaving the Public Accounts Committee effective today. I want to thank the Chairperson YB Noraini and all my colleagues, and all the officers at PAC for their work and cooperation.

I will now seek a meeting next week with the Speaker, to discuss and firm up the terms of reference for the new committee. We will also discuss budget, resources available and timetable. The new committee will support and hold accountable two ministries; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of International Trade and Industry. Both ministers are very friendly to me, but I hereby pledge that the committee will run without fear or favour.

Following the news, from today onwards, my office will now substantially scale down our focus on matters related to corruption and wastage (PAC work), and refocus more on international trade and foreign affairs.

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