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Drop By Once in a While, Muse!

Staff Member 01

Hi everyone. We are now in the last week of office for the year. We will close office on Friday 23rd. We will reopen on 3rd January 2017! So we are now winding down work and taking a more relaxed attitude. Nadirah is busy with accounts and also the year end newsletter. Abigail is arranging lunch with YB Hannah’s office. Tania is finishing the police anti corrruption paper. The interns did a fantastic job yesterday on the Monday Night Chat.

Today is Vanessa’s last day as our intern. She interned for about 6 weeks but we have known her for much longer when she interned and worked at Hannah’s office. We gathered after lunch and said our goodbyes. She goes back to law school and will always be a friend to this office.

She basically took over the management of the office when the staff went on their road trip to Alor Setar. She also worked on a policy paper regarding the drug problem in Malaysia. We discussed many scenarios and possible outcomes of her paper. But she started the conversation by pointing out that the drug relapse rate of ex prisoners were very high. She is earnest, kind and good. We have great hopes for her to make Malaysia better.

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