Earlier today we said goodbye to another 3 interns; Ivan, Jia Hui and Jia Sheng.
Jia Hui is our 3rd tour of duty intern and as usual knows his way around the office and is always useful and pleasant. This is however Jia Sheng’s (the younger brother) first tour of duty. Jia Sheng’s public policy paper on net neutrality was very well written. He is quiet by nature and worked on the geospatial project which my office collaborated with my wife. Both brothers did well at the community work projects of the office.
Ivan is the sassiest intern we ever had. A favourite of Abigail (who kept insisting we take him in as an intern), Ivan became the life of the office. Luckily Abigail was on sabattical leave (to study for her CLP) as we wouldn’t have survived with two divas in the office. Everyone likes Ivan, he works hard, is enthusiastic and is a rich source of goodwill and fun.
We wish all three the very best and hope to see them from time to time.