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Pakatan Harapan Agreement 2016

Staff Member 01

It’s a historic day for Pakatan Harapan; our first convention where PKR, DAP and Amanah will sign a Pakatan Harapan Agreement. My office was tasked with translating the agreement to English and I wish to thank Nadirah, Wyhow and Mr.Phang for their efficiency and hard work.


A preview of the Agreement

The core difference between the now defunct Pakatan Rakyat and Pakatan Harapan is that PAS is no longer in our coalition. And because PAS is no longer in, there is no such thing anymore as “agree to disagree”. To seal that bond the leaders Kak Wan, Mat Sabu and Guan Eng have agreed to commit our parties with a written agreement.

I understand that there is still a lot of skepticism from the public. They look at current politics and think we are doomed by factionalism and it doesn’t help with Anwar Ibrahim in jail.

I have been involved in coalition politics since 2009, in fact I was the lead lawyer for the formation of Pakatan Rakyat. I can attest that this new Pakatan Harapan is far superior because of the legal mechanisms contained in this agreement. However more important than that, is the fact that the parties are much more solid in philosophy, policy and spirit.


The top leaders of Pakatan Harapan

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