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Syabas Meeting with Subang Jaya Representatives

Staff Member 01

Hi everyone! Abigail, here. I represented YB Wong Chen earlier today in a SYABAS meeting along with YB Hannah Yeoh, respective JKP Zon 3 committee members and councilors. The meeting was held to address the issue of water cuts in the USJ area. Upon starting the meeting, clarification on the reason behind water cuts in the USJ region were demanded to be addressed.

It was explained that the two water sources for the USJ region comes from Puchong and Semenyih. Therefore, a pipe burst in those places will affect the USJ residential and commercial areas. Othere reasons behind water cuts in USJ include water pollution and when demand exceeds supply.

After identifying those problems, the meeting proceeded to address questions posed by the JKP members and local councilors who were well equipped with the necessary knowledge on such issues.

The meeting concluded with discussions on solutions to help lighten the burdens of USJ residents when water shortages occur. Furthermore, SYABAS has revealed plans to replace the 1500mm pipelines which is estimated to start early this December and end in June 2017. A site visitation for fellow JKP r

epresentatives was also discussed but is yet to be confirmed as no solid decision on the matter was made in this meeting.

So, that was what went down in the morning. What I have learned is that the water shortage issue is not easily solved as one would think for there is more than one party involved. However, it is good to know that SYABAS is prepared to engage with the community and are actively finding solutions to the problem.

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