My interns and staff were hard at work in Desa Mentari today. I on the other hand, have taken the day off to rest since I have been working non stop for 10 days straight, including last Saturday and Sunday. Tomorrow, I will be back at work and will take the interns to the Shah Alam High Court to witness “Malaysian” justice in action. Yes, it’s another Rafizi Ramli‘s trial and my good friends YB Gobind Singh Deo and Nizam Abdul Hamid will represent him. I also have a super jam packed 11 events this coming weekend.
While relaxing at home, I just want to put a quick post on our intern Noor Nadira binti Akhbar Hussain, who finished her internship last Monday.
Nadira interned with us for 5 weeks and was well liked by staff and her fellow interns. She showed a lot of drive to learn, willing to engage the poor, demonstrated compassion and mature composure. She is also a natural communicator. She was a former student of United World College in Maastricht, my sister school alma mater. She is currently doing international economics in British Columbia, Canada. She is determined to return to Malaysia after university to make Malaysia better for all. We wish Nadira the very best and she will always have a place in our P104 family.