Kwong Wah DailyMar 1, 2022Recent In The News每年30%毕业生选择外国就业 黄基全建议以高薪留住人才每年有30%本地毕业生选择到外国就业,反对党议员建议以高薪留住人才。 人民公正党梳邦国会议员黄基全披露,马来西亚若要留住人才,就必须改善劳工薪资和社会权利。他说,尽管我国人类发展指数(HDI)很高,但马来西亚仍处于中等收入国家,这是因为很多毕业生移居海外就业。
Free Malaysia TodayFeb 25, 2022Recent In The NewsEconomist questions need for NRP 2.0An economist has questioned the rationale behind the proposal for a National Recovery Plan (NRP) 2.0, saying he doubts that it can be..
MalaysiakiniFeb 24, 2022Recent In The News1MDB is not 'old story' as relevant individuals remain free - Subang MPA PKR parliamentarian has reminded Malaysians that 1MDB is far from over as individuals linked to the scandal remain free while Malaysians..
Sin Chew DailyFeb 24, 2022Recent In The News1MDB人物未被调查已不关注 黄基全:大马人怎么了?公正党梳邦国会议员黄基全表示,与一马公司(1MDB) 案件有关的人物还没有被调查或被控,甚至过著奢华的生活,但许多大马人已经不再关注此案。
Sinar HarianFeb 17, 2022Recent In The NewsMesyuarat PSC-SC mengenai saham Azam Baki ditangguhkanJawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parlimen (PSC) mengenai Kewangan dan Ekonomi akan mengadakan pertemuan dengan Suruhanjaya Sekuriti (SC)..