Staff Member 01Jul 7, 2022Goodbye, “Firebrand”We said goodbye to Kevin Ling, our intern today. Mr. Leong, the head of my volunteers corp, belanja the office to a farewell dinner for...
Staff Member 01Jul 7, 2022Farewell to our “Corpsman”Busy and fun day today. I will do a weekend wrap up posting tomorrow. In this particular posting, I just want to acknowledge the...
Staff Member 01Jul 7, 2022Goodbye “Baby Driver”!Today we said goodbye to our intern Cassandra Chung. Due to the budget debates, Cassandra came over to Parliament to say goodbye to me....
Staff Member 01Jul 7, 2022Sponsor an Intern!In the midst of being overworked and all the madness that comes with the budget season, I have been informed by my accountant WWW (former...
Staff Member 01Jul 7, 2022A Letter from the Master MathematicianIt’s been an awesome adventure with the P104 team; from writing policy proposals, to organising local community events, to drafting the...